How to Maintain a Clean Office Space


Keeping your office clean is important for employee productivity, health and safety in the workspace. A clean office environment promotes better focus and collaboration amongst team members. However, with busy schedules it can be difficult to consistently keep the office clutter-free and germ-free. Here are some tips to help maintain a clean and organized office space:

Develop Cleaning Routines

Establish weekly or monthly cleaning schedules to tackle various areas of the office systematically. Assign different cleaning tasks to employees on a rotating basis such as wiping down desks, vacuuming carpets, dusting surfaces etc. This spreads out the workload and ensures all areas get cleaned regularly.

Some good routines to implement are:

  • Weekly dusting and disinfecting of common surfaces like desks, keyboards, phones and door handles
  • Monthly deep cleaning of floors including vacuuming and mopping
  • Quarterly cleaning of ceiling fans, light fixtures and high places
  • Annual deep cleaning of storage areas and file cabinets

Stick to the routines consistently to prevent dirt and grime from building up over time.

Keep Work Areas Tidy

Mess and clutter are breeding grounds for dust, dirt and germs. Make sure to tidy up workstations at the end of each day by:

  • Clearing desks of papers, files and personal belongings
  • Organizing papers, documents and supplies neatly
  • Wiping down surfaces
  • Rolling back chair underneath the desk
  • Taking out trash bins

Encourage employees to pick up after themselves by keeping only essential items on desks. This makes daily cleaning easier and the office appear clutter-free at all times.

Employ Professional Cleaning Services

For large offices or when short staffed, leverage the expertise of a reliable cleaning service. Experienced cleaners use specialized equipment and supplies to thoroughly disinfect areas that may otherwise get overlooked. They can also deep clean windows, scrub bathroom fixtures and shampoo carpets as needed.

Look for a professional cleaning service that provides regular, consistent cleaning at scheduled intervals. Many offer additional services like floor stripping and sealing, window washing from heights or post-construction cleaning. Outsourcing cleaning frees up time for core operations.

Regular Disinfection

Germs thrive on surfaces that don’t get enough cleaning and disinfection. Increase sanitization of high-touch areas daily using disinfectant wipes or sprays. Focus on disinfecting:

  • Door handles, push plates and handrails
  • Faucets, toilet handles, soap and paper towel dispensers
  • Desktops, computer keyboards and mice
  • Phones, tabletops and countertops
  • Appliance buttons like microwave or printer
  • Filing cabinets, storage shelves and shared equipment

Using disinfectants with antiviral and antibacterial properties kills 99.9% of germs to keep the office hygienic.

Provide Supplies and Trash Receptacles

Equipping employees makes it easier for them to clean as they go. Stock supply closets or kitchens with:

  • Disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizers
  • Paper towels, tissues and toilet paper
  • Garbage bags of appropriate size for different bins
  • Air fresheners and deodorizers
  • All-purpose cleaners and glass cleaners

Place trash, recycling and compost bins strategically around the office for convenient disposal of waste. Emptying bins regularly prevents odors.


Q1. How often should an office be professionally cleaned?

A1. Most offices require cleaning 1-2 times per week for general tidying and disinfecting of common areas. Critical areas like bathrooms and kitchens may need daily sanitizing. Deep cleaning of carpets, windows etc. is recommended quarterly.

Q2. What areas should be focused on during office cleaning?

A2. High traffic and high touch surfaces like doors, rails, switches and seating need special attention. Bathrooms, pantry, conference rooms also require thorough cleaning daily. Floors, windows and storage areas need deep cleaning periodically. Proper sanitization kills 99% germs.

Q3. How can I remove stains and odors from the office?

A3. For stains, use appropriate cleaners as per the surface – basic soap or diluted bleach on non-porous surfaces, carpet/upholstery cleaners for soft fabrics. For odors, use deodorizers, air fresheners, activated charcoal, leave windows open when unoccupied. Prompt cleaning of spills prevents lingering smells.

Q4. Is it better to outsource or do cleaning in-house?

A4. Both options have pros and cons. Outsourcing frees up employee time and leverages professional expertise, but may cost more. Doing cleaning in-house saves money but requires staff & supplies. A hybrid model using employees for routine tasks and specialists for deep cleaning works well for many offices.

Q5. What precautions should be taken while cleaning offices?

A5. Wear proper PPE like gloves and masks. Restrict access to areas being cleaned, provide warning signs. Use color-coded cleaning tools and buckets to avoid cross-contamination. Keep chemicals in labelled containers, store and dispose of hazardous waste as per regulations. Ventilate areas after chemical use.